Project Woman is grateful that the House of Representatives passed H.R.2119, the Family Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act (FVSPA) of 2021. This bipartisan, bicameral bill reauthorizes FVPSA, which has been unauthorized since 2015. H.R.2119 also increases the funding authorization to ensure more programs can receive FVPSA funds and access to technical assistance, centers the needs of Communities of Color, Tribes, and LGBTQ+ survivors, and expands investment in prevention.
FVPSA, one of three critical pillars of the federal government’s response to domestic violence, addresses domestic violence from a public health approach while providing core funding and support for domestic violence shelters. Reauthorization of this program with its enhancements will ensure survivors at Project Woman and in all communities can access to life-saving services. Next, the Senate will take up its companion bill, S.1275, which passed out of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee on a voice vote. Contact your senators and ask them to VOTE FOR S.1275: